- Approximate degree, secret sharing, and concentration phenomena.
- CQT seminar, National University of Singapore. November 2019.
- RANDOM 2019, MIT, Cambridge, MA. September 2019.
- Indistinguishability of Symmetric Distributions. Theory seminar, CUHK. March 2019.
- Approximate Bounded Indistinguishability. ICALP 2017, Warsaw. July 2017.
- Bounded Indistinguishability and the Complexity of Recovering Secrets.
- Theory of Computation seminar, Tel Aviv University, Israel. April 2017.
- General Tel Aviv Area Cryptography Seminar, IDC Herzliya, Israel. January 2017.
- CRYPTO 2016, UCSB, Santa Barbara. August 2016.
- Secret Sharing Schemes via Bounded Indistinguishability. Academia Sinica, Taipei. December 2015.
- Approximate Degree of OR and Dual Polynomials. Theory seminar, CUHK. October 2015.
- Graph eigenvalues and their analogs in arbitrary metric spaces. Theory seminar, CUHK. March 2015.
Conference service:
(as a PC member)
- 2021: ISPEC
(as an external reviewer)
- 2024: E-Vote-ID
- 2020: Eurocrypt, ITC
- 2017: FOCS
Academic Visits:
- 2017: Foundations and Applications of Cryptographic Theory Center (FACT), IDC Herzliya. Hosted by Professor Alon Rosen.
Teaching experience (as a TA):